Am i the only one that sees LO grow and feel like each day is a countdown to a day she don't need me anymore ???

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You are not alone. Its mixed feelings of wanting to watch them grow but there is the fear of them growing up and not needing us anymore. Oh the struggles! 😅 But all we can do is cherish every moment while we have it

5y trước

Sigh yeah.. Cherish but sometimes will cannot control de flare up then will think of the times they may not need u anymore.. Sigh..

I hear you. Yes this is a dreading feeling where you know that your kids are growing so fast. I generally focus on cherishing the moments so that I don't regret it later

5y trước

Sigh i knoww..

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I know the feeling. My gal is 3 months old and I am dreading the day I go back to work.

5y trước

My girl 4 months and am so sad alr haha

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I think all moms feel the same way but look on the positive side!🤗

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YES ME!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭 and I really feel sad and scared

5y trước

Hahaha then u scold them the next moment they r going to grow up and not need me..

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I feel you. I don’t really want them to grow up :-(

5y trước

Haha we want them to grow but we want the time to slow down a bit..

Super Mom

I choose to just enjoy each moment:)

5y trước

Yeahh although sometimes diff from our previous lives but no regrets 😂

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