Baby does not want to sleep alone.

Hello Mama's, My little one is currently 2 months. I'm looking after her by myself in the day and I need a little advice on how to let the baby sleep on her own for daytime naps. Each time I set her down she will cry out. She only wants to sleep when she's carried. I understand that she feels safer sleeping on me but she's getting a little heavy for me. Swaddling, the traditional baby swing and the rocking crib doesn't work. Does anyone have any advice please?

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Some babies really just prefer sleeping with mummy cause they feel safe. Can try white noise too so they wont get too startled. And when putting baby down, but feet, butt, body then head. But i remember this phase, itll get better. I rememver my baby always cry whenever we put him down

1y trước

Thank you so much 💕 This helps a lot but I used baby music open on YouTube instead of white noise..

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