Feeling exausted and fatigue

I am now going 10 weeks and always feel extremely tired especially in the morning and always feel my heart beat so fast when i am standing. Now everytime want to get ready, i make sure there is a chair for me to sit down while doing makeup etc. Anyone else experience like this?

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It's normal. It's the same for me. Currently 14 weeks.. Heart beat very fast. Always feeling tired. I even use a chair to sit and shower.

You need to rest alot during your first trimester actually. Bt everything will get better when its the 2nd tri .

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It is normal. It will get better by 2nd trimester. Hang in there!

Super Mom

It will get better during Trimester 2.

It'll get better! Hang in there ;)

2 more weeks to freedom!

Thành viên VIP

Have more sleep.

Rest more