7 Replies

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I feel you. It’s normal to have arguments between couples. But do try to control and not argue in front of her? Have you considered putting your LO in childcare? You can talk to your husband about his mum’s behaviour but it’s hard to change a elder’s behaviour especially when they don’t see you as a family member. It’s also not healthy for your LO to see grandma and daddy treat you like this.

They are mother and son ultimately, a bond we can never question/comment just as we are mothers to our children. I guess you can talk to your husband about it. My MIL is peobably worse... she tells her eldest son (my BIL) E.V.E.R.Y single thing. Relationships with MIL are never easy, I'm not spared wven when i dont live with her😕

Do you always raise your voice to your husband? If yes, then it’s understandable why she’s upset as it’s like you’re “bullying” her son. If no, she’s just protective of her son and even if it’s only once she heard you raising your voice at him, to her, she may think you always do that so best is argue behind closed door.

Once a month we argue. Sigh. I am not sure if it's the depression or what. I need to vent out.

I dunno if this help . I understand the situation u are going . I once quarrelled with my husband , and my mil threw black face to me . Eversince then , i always kept all the arguement and quarrel . Only blast out when my mil go shower or shop/market . I know its not easy , but thankfully she doesn't stay with me permanently .

No choice. Put your child in infant or child care. Mil always tend to side their son. Is normal. Or move out. Or ask your husband to talk to his mother. For me I don't care. I don't own her a reason why we quarrel. Anyway she shouldn't get involve.

Not sure if this comment helps, but don't quarrel in front of your MIL? Like quarrel behind closed doors? Usually I will wait until my husband is the room then start the quarrel. Just don't let MIL witness the quarrel.

OMG THAT'S REALLY RUDE. Sorry, can't help you. Maybe you can try to maintain and not raise your voice? Because I don't really raise my voice during quarrel.

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