
I loved to be close to my mum. But it has been quite hard, as she is constantly nagging and complaining about things and ppl around her. I guessed becos she doesnt have to go out and work so her focus is strongly on family esp us , picking on each of family members time to time.. Why shld i do?

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Since my mum turned 60 I notice this about her too. Encourage her to meet up more with her close friends so she can gossip with them all she likes! My mum comes home in a happier mood after these sessions. Also I try to keep my distance once in a while so I don't get irritated by her constantly 😅

5y trước


As people grow older, their tolerance and patience wanes - as well as things that may have been acceptable in an older generation may not be acceptable now. So have patience, and compassion. If its really bad and frequent, have a chat with her.

Thành viên VIP

I totally agree with other mummies. Our mum need to mingle with their clique or ppl of the same age group. You can consider to sign her up for classes or some organisation that is elderly friendly which some have free sessions. 😊

Thành viên VIP

Oh my gawwddd... I hear you! 😅 But Ive cone to terms withbthe fact that it's perhaps of my mom's lack of contact with the "outside world" that makes her naggy etc. At e end of the day she just wants the best for us(:

5y trước

Thanks Jasmine

My mil doesn't mix with people at all. Neither friends or own relatives. She doesn't like to go out from house. So it's very hard to talk to her and understand thing.

5y trước

I understand.. same for my mum.

Thành viên VIP

She is growing older. You have to show patience. If you do not respond she might not tell you much

Thành viên VIP

Ya, once they keep themselves out of house, thy will hv nth to nag at home (:

Tell me about it.. I can feel you coz I feel the same too..