1st Visit to Gynae

I would like to ask how much will it cost for 1st visit to the gynae at Thomas Medical Centre or Alvenia Medical?

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Super Mom

First visit to TMC was around $270 which includes those vitamins that gynae prescribed.

Thành viên VIP

I rmb it’s around $200-$250 cause cannot sign package till you are certain weeks.

First visit to my gynae Dr Crystal Chin Hsin at TMC was less than $300

Mine is from Mount Alvernia, Dr Jocelyn Wong. My consultation abt 200ish.

6y trước

Hello, did your consultation with Dr Joycelyn Wong include scan and other supplements?

My first visit at Thomson Women Clinic is about $220

First time around $300 inclusive of scan

mine at alvenia dr chua yang about 300++

Mine at Thomson Medical at $307.20

Tmc first visit less than sgd200

6y trước

My Dr Ben first visit 250++

Thành viên VIP

It’s around 200-+