How to deal with paggro mother just cos you don’t listen to everything she says?? Thanks in advance
I know it’s out of concern but it has become quite extreme like insisting that I buy expensive bird’s nest for myself and when I commented I’d rather spend on other things, she started become passive aggressive and say ok next time don’t have to give me advice etc, don’t need to listen to what she says. And then when she saw me drinking yakult she nagged at me SO MUCH, says ok don’t listen to me then. #advicepls Don’t know how to deal with this!!! It’s just gonna get worse next time if I don’t listen to any of her “baby advice”

Suggest you talk to your mother about this. It seems she wants to be extremely involved with your pregnancy, but feels rejected by you whenever you dont listen to her so she feels unhappy and complains. You should calm down and pacify her at least once, but then also immediately let her know that you feel very stressed by pregnancy already without all the rules, and whenever possible, use the doctor as your shield. If she still continues her way, then paggro back (and it doesnt have to make sense- the more nonsensical the better🤣🤣🤣). Paggro people often cannot tahan a return paggro attack and so if she paggro you and say you never listen to her etc, you paggro her back lor, maybe something like "OK lor, I will tell my doctor my mother say DONT listen to you, if doctor prescribe medicine i will definitely not buy bcuz u prefer i buy birds nest instead, Ill DEFINITELY listen to you okay? 🙂 If anything happen to baby dont worry I will just blame you ya". LOL throw the ball back to her court. If you can't use the doctor as shield, then use the baby, your husband, or even your mother in law as shield. If she complain about them, just tell her paggro-ly that you will let them know about what she said de. Usually ppl only dare to make remarks about their own daughter but dont dare to offend other people.
Read moreIs this your mum or mil? Hide from her when you’re doing ‘illegal things’. Haha. But I can understand how it can affect your mental state. I think sometimes they just wanna be involved. Understand that they’re doing it out of concern just that they don’t know how to express it properly. So if it was me in the case of bird nest right, I would buy cheaper options like maybe those bottled ones. Then only drink in front of them. Then if they ask why you buy so cheap one then you say I got no money I need funds to buy other necessities. They will see that their opinions are respected but maybe you really don’t have the means to or really don’t think it’s worth it. Maybe next time you got free bird nest to drink 😊
Read moreMy mum! I didn’t even know yakult is “liang”😂 when I take ice cream or cold drinks I definitely hide from her hahaha. The thing is that she keeps saying buy the dried expensive one better even though I bought cheaper bottled ones :/ then she even nagged that I keep buying MSW durians could have spent on bird’s best lolllll. Sigh :(
I would jokingly ask “You wanna buy for me instead?”. My mil like to nag at me sometimes when I drink bbt, or eat mala etc. I just smile and say ok then continue what I’m doing. Sometimes I purposely buy her portion so she will drink or eat together then she won’t nag 😏… If it’s your mil, ask your husband to do it. Just smile and close your ears. My mil stopped nagging so much now after my baby is out. Her focus is on my baby instead. However, things I said NO when she wanna give baby, I stick to it firmly. Cant be bothered too much now 😅
I feel you. I have this kind of mil and i know itll get worst once i delivered my baby. Best advise if you close one ear, you know your body better. They always act like they know everything just because theyve been pregnant before. But old time has gone.
Best advice, just nod ur head and act like you agree.. Then u take ur yakult, go inside the room and drink 😂.
I brought my mum to my tcm appointments and gynae appointments, so she can question and complain to them all she wants. then my gynae and tcm will advise me. 😆
Hahaha I see 😆😆