
I hope nobody is going to judge me for asking/sharing this. I am due to get married in 2 weeks time(postponed due to situation), but just found out im 8 weeks pregnant. It’s hard as i fear this will affect my family considering my background (muslim). The thought of knowing family will be embarrassed really gets me. I am contemplating on terminating the pregnancy as i am half hearted. What would you do if you were me?

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Ya Allah, please do not terminate your pregnancy my dear. Please. Right now I know you’re scared. But you must know that killing is a sinful act and will drag you to Neraka Jahanam. You must understand the importance of this. I did a termination when I was 10 weeks, and I wasn’t even gonna get married anytime soon at that time. I was just scared and my ex-bf immediately wanted me to abort it. I didn’t think much, went for a scan and I saw the heartbeat, still had no remorse whatsoever. Went for the termination, came out and a sense of guilt washed over me. I felt a tear rolled down my cheek. My life became hell after that. I got my retribution right after. الله marah sangat dengan I. Hukumnya haram kalau dah berzina apatah lagi mengandung kan anak yg di luar nikah. Tapi hukumnya lagi haram kalau membunuh nyawa yg tidak bersalah. Has it ever crossed your mind if this will be your ONLY opportunity to get pregnant? Kita tak tau balasan الله mcm mana. Yes, you will ruin everything else, you will hurt your family, his family, but trust me, trust Allah especially. Everything happens for a reason. After I did my termination, I left all the invoices in my car. Couple of weeks later, memang الله nak tunjukkan lah, my father did a clean up in my car and found those invoices. I got hell from them. Mind you, I came from a very strict background where my mom would still fetch my from school at 17 years old. But the thing that shocked me was when my mom mentioned this to me, “Kau tau tak gugurkan anak itu berdosa besar? Kira kau membunuh kau tau tak?” I could feel the weight of that sentence. I wasn’t even prepared to hear it. I thought they were gonna beat me up and all that but Ya Allah, if I had known, I wouldn’t have gone for the abortion at all. It didn’t stop there, my life came with retributions after retributions. Trials after trials. Allah marah sangat, my dear. I just turned 18 back then when I had the abortion and it took me 8 years to return back to Him. 8 bloody long wasteful years. What I can advise is, you have to talk to someone. Like a cousin, or an aunt. Someone who can be a mediator in your family. People will talk, people will shun you and your family. Tapi ingat lah kisah Maryam yg dihina bila Allah kurniakan dia dengan seorang bayi sedangkan dia masih lagi suci tak pernah ada orang sentuh. Semua orang mencaci dan menghina Maryam tapi dorang tak tau, Allah pilih hatinya yg suci untuk menghamilkan insan seorang Nabi (Nabi Isa A.S). Will we be those yg menghina atau those yg terima qada dan qadar Allah? Jangan buat kerja Allah, ini semua ada hikmahnya. Tabah lah menghadapi dugaan yg akan melanda my dear, you must not do a termination at all costs. Talk to someone, a social worker from Mendaki (I don’t know if this is the right channel) or whoever can be a mediator. If you haven’t already followed Fynn Jamal on her IG, please do so. PM her about this. She can help you.

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4y trước

Hmm good question, actually not that I know of in Singapore. Gitu dah ibaratkan menghalalkan apa yg haram. Anak tu tetap anak di luar perkahwinan. Kalau dia anak perempuan, bila kahwin nanti tak boleh her own father instead must be wali hakim. Cannot be Naib Kadi, must be Kadi. So does that constitute to anak tu sah dan boleh di bin/binte kan Ayah nya walaupon di lahirkan Lepas nikah? The fact of the matter is, anak tu was conceived BEFORE you nikah. Majority Muslims berpendapat and inclined to fatwa that when a child is conceived di luar pernikahan due to berzina or rogol, you need to bin/binte kan one of the 99 names of Allah selain dari Abdullah. But different countries, different states, different fatwa. Regarding sah taraf ke tidak after dilahirkan 6 bulan selepas nikah, you need to clarify with MUIS. Wallahu’alam.

Thanks for sharing and I believe it takes a lot of courage. First of all, I won't understand your situation as I'm of a different upbringing, but I can share with you my own experience of abortion at an early age of 21. Obviously I was too young and not ready to be a mother. I thought I'll get preg again when I'm ready later. I did it, it was fast and my "problem" was solved in an instant. But what I was not prepared for, was the pain and guilt that came with it. Long story short, it haunted me for years and I cried when I see babies for the longest time. I was married and never was able to get preg for the longest time after that, not until I was 43!! I always thought I'd never be a mum ever as my medical condition made it quite impossible. You should make this decision WITH your family. Talk to them and tell them how you feel. Personally I think it's a bad decision to abort as it is not an experience I'd like anyone to go through. If you absolutely had to do it at least you know you've tried all you can but I can assure you if you didn't, you'll meet the LO one day and your heart will be filled for the rest of your life with no regrets and love. Take care and stay strong for your loved ones.

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Please don't terminate as is a life. There are many people want to conceive but couldn't. Since God, in this case Allah, want this baby to come into your life, you should happily accept. There must be a reason. Is your husband-to-be aware of your pregnancy and your thought? If no, have a good discussion with him. I understand your worry from Muslims' point of view though I am not a Muslim. As long as the baby is born 6 months or more from your Date of Solemnization, the baby is legitimize. To avoid others gossip or criticize, maybe given no choice to say a white lie that the baby is premature. You may want to seek for counseling during this predicament. Stay strong. Take care.

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5y trước

Thank you for your reply. It means a lot to me ;)

hey dear, don’t terminate the baby. i once forced my younger sister to abort her baby because she was so damn young. tapi after further discuss both family decided to keep and marry them. masyallah, after she gave birth i immediately fell in love with my niece. up till now she’s the light to our life. my family loves her so much. her life now is without her father, my sister got divorced after a year. now she is turning 6 soon. she annoys me every day but... i love her with all my heart. i regretted my action for asking my sister to abort, i feel berdosa up till now. but i hope through prayers , Allah forgive me. Dont abort okay?

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Hi dear, please consider keeping the baby as it is a life. Otherwise you’d keep having thoughts & regrets of the baby if you choose the abortion route. I’m saying this as my husband and I needed to go through IVF before successfully having our baby. Not everyone is blessed to be able to conceive naturally. Since you are already getting married in 2 weeks time nobody can really tell - you can just say the baby is premature. Consider this a wedding gift from Allah to you - it is a blessing. Please consider keeping your little one. Stay strong mummy.

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5y trước

Thank you for your reply. I know my actions will definitely hurt those who have been waiting for years to experience what i am going through. I really hope i am strong enough to go through this. After all, baby will be affected too if i am not strong and depressed. But thank you once again for your reply :)

You should see it as a blessing and precious cos some couple might want to have a baby yet have difficult in it. I waited for 1 year plus to be conceived again after a missed miscarriage. And now we have our rainbow baby girl with us. The journey was tough as you will put on pressure to urself hoping to get pregnant. If it is meant to be urs, no matter what you do will be urs. End of the day it is still ur call but do discuss with ur partner. Do not cause any regret when you look back one day.

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Don't terminate. From a muslim to another muslim. My advice is, please don't do that. What you did was wrong. But it's the past. You are not a sinner and the baby is not the sin. Please continue to have the wedding after CB and the baby is still legally yours. Just ensure you breastfeed the baby so the baby became anak susuan to your husband. Baby is sustenance from Allah. He wants you to keep and take care of it as amanah. Might not be easy to break the news but please try your best. Take care.

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5y trước

Thank you for your reply. It means a lot to me :)

I understand how you feel, I was in your situation before. But your unborn child tak berdosa, mulut manusia kita tak boleh tutup. But remember, anak itu amanah dari Allah. Dosa kita antara kita dengan Allah, you must trust yourself to overcome all this babe. Don't abort that baby, kita dah berbuat dosa. Jangan bertambah dosa lagi, it will be very struggle for you. But trust me, when your child is born you be the happiest mother.

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Keep the baby - Abortion is haram regardless of the baby's age so pls block that thoughts out of your mind. If you need emotional support, I suggest you to call AWARE 18007775555. I know you may feel at your wits' end, but you've got to come clean with your family and future in-laws at once. Be mentally prepared to face the music for their reaction and I'm sure you'll come out of this stronger. Take care.

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Keep it pls! Cos I did and I got married when I was 10 weeks pregnant. I took the test and straight away I told my husband my parents n his parents, it wasn't easy but it's worth it. Now having my precious little baby with me is out of the world! So innocent and pure. My parents and Parents in law love my baby to bits. She is jewel of the family now! Hehe

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