How your husband support you during your first time pregnancy

I am week 12 pregnant and first time pregnant. The thing is my partner and i are not married yet so after finding out I am pregnant we decide to get married. Our families and friends also didn't know I am pregnant as we decide to wait for the NIPT test to be out before announcing. But I feel that although marriage is in plan but throughout these few weeks, I didn't get any support from my partner. We decided to keep the baby as after our discussion we decide to start a family and move on to the next phase of life. We are in our forties. But as weeks passed since knowing I am pregnant I feel I am not getting any support from my partner, we lived separately still. He is just not proactive and alot of things like marriage stuff, I am the one finding and I just feel jaded and no motivation anymore to do anything about it. I feel abit regretful in keeping the baby as I have no family, friends to discuss my situation and my partner is just non-chalant about alot things. His talks are louder than his actions I feel. He is still living his single life. I have no confident in him being a husband and father now. I express my concerns to him before but after awhile back to square one. I feel so loss now as I don't know what to do now with a baby in me. Anyone has similar situation as me?

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My husband is 5yrs younger than me. I'm almost reaching 40. He likes to play computer games and meet his friends etc. But we have been actively trying and he was quite excited when I got pregnant. So far, he still plays his game and meet go out to meet his friends but he has also been extra attentive to me at home. I think since both of u are single and in Ur 40s, he has been living a carefree single life for so long. It is hard for him to change his lifestyle overnight. That will take time. you need to sit him down and tell him u need his support in this. For me I will keep sending my husband articles about pregnancy to keep him updated about my situation so he is aware what I am gg through. Also some guys are quite bochup about wedding plans since the bride is always the one who makes most decisions and we are more particular about details. I would advise you to carefully walk through this next step in Ur life, don't stress urself out. Being pregnant is not easy. U dont need unnecessary burden and stress to add on to it.

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Hi mummy, firstly congratulations on your pregnancy! I’m sorry to hear the above but sometimes it’s normal for guys to not feel involved before baby is out. We tend to feel more because we are the ones carrying the baby. My husband also went ahead with his daily stuffs, playing mobile games, basketballs while I was pregnant. I sourced for baby items and prepared the stuffs myself. The first time baby kicked, he was like ‘wow’ then subsequently as baby grow, kicks get harder but he don’t seem overwhelmed anymore. When baby is out, his fatherly instinct naturally showed. So maybe he is like my husband? Also to add on, when baby is out, your world will revolve around your baby and you probably won’t be so bothered by your husband. Please don’t feel that keeping the baby is a mistake, it is definitely a blessing 🥰 Please trust yourself that all mummies are strong ☺️

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hi mummy, I'm a ftm here and my husband's god bro also a ftf just a few months before us. when we first found out I'm pregnant, my husband didn't react much also even though we were actively trying. when we met his god bro at around week 7, that was when he asked his god bro when will the realisation sets in that he's a dad. the god bro say when u see the baby more clearly on the ultrasound perhaps. that's when I realise maybe for guys it doesn't dawn on them as fast as us mums. I've read online some dad's only started acting like "dads" when they can feel and see the kicks on our tummy. maybe give him a couple more weeks and then perhaps we will start seeing them act differently? if it really affects u, perhaps sit down with him and let him know how you're feeling and give him some specific examples of how you would like him to show some care towards you?

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I had the same situation as you too, pregnant before i got married. I was 37, almost same like you. We are arguing all the time and once my daughter was out, we ever have more arguments but over time, because we both love our daughter and we give in automatically. Well as both my husband and me was single for very long, we didn’t know to live with another person. But it’s really take time for someone to change. Now I am expecting my second child and my husband really help me up because of our low lying placenta. Give your husband time to adapt married life and being a parent. Since both of you are committed to get married and you already have a baby now. Just give him time adapt as well.

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Guys think differently from us. But for me, my hb likes kids but I am not. So when we found out i was preggy, he was happier than me. Going to gynae and getting ultrasound scan, i am the one who doesnt smile n talk. So sometimes i feel my gynae is talking to a pc of wood 😅 I believe when baby is out, guys will change abit. Anyway even that i have already given birth last year.. i also feel my hb is in his own world at times… its like i am the only one tinking what we nd to get for our ger. Cheer up ok!

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congrats mummy! its really a guy thing. they don't feel the same as us during pregnancy.. and probably feel that their carefree life will be over soon so want to hang on to it abit longer. their fatherly instincts will only kick in after they see the baby.. as for wedding.. usually its the girl making the decisions. just try to involve him as much as possible. :)

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congrats on your pregnancy ! I believe most guys are the same, usually ladies are more into it in the beginning.. try getting him to go for 1 of your appointment, see the scan and all.. observe her reaction and you can see if he feel more excited.. maybe he might slowly get into it.. usually when baby start to kick, they will slowly get into it too.. be strong !!

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it's a guy thing, they need to physically see the baby etc. don't be discouraged, im sure your partner loves the baby.