I have recently experienced encountering judgemental people about moms breastfeeding "wherever". I was breastfeeding my baby in a bus travelling to Cavite (going to my in-laws) when i overheard some passengers saying "ano ba naman yan, hindi na pumili ng lugar". Though upset, I kept calm and quiet as I do not want my baby to feel the rage of emotion inside me. Has anyone experience the same thing? How did you deal with it?

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I feel you, Mommy :( I experienced this many times before both with my first and my second and It felt really awful.. With my first- As a first time mommy, I felt really bad and asked for my mom if I could breasteed in the car instead. I looked away from the person who was looking at me in disgust as I breastfeed my infant. The other time that it happened was when I was breastfeeding inside a restaurant. We were having lunch and my baby is already catching too much attention from crying loudly. An insensitive aged woman was giving me a stare and saying very rude things. I was about to just shrug it off but I displayed my "katarayan" by raising an eyebrow with a glare instead. I think she deserved more than just my facial riposte but I didn't feel like giving a "litanya" that time. I hate how society imposes on us mothers what they think is right and best for everyone else. These kind of poeple know nothing more than just shaming those they are around with to feed their egos. We are not supposed to give up our most important function just so people won't look at us with disagreement :( Let's not give them the pleasure that they so desperately desire from making others feel bad and inferior letting themselves look that they are beyond what we are. We need to educate them in, ofcourse, the MOST polite manner that we can. :p :D

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I sometimes get speechless at the thought of encountering such people--not because I've got nothing to say but because of dismay and pity towards them who cannot understand our plight. Hats off to you and thank you for your insight, Mommy Louisse!

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It's really challenging for breastfeeding mommies especially when babies are not comfortable with the nursing covers. Just don't mind them, you are merely feeding your child. Saw this on my FB newsfeed. So, I was in a public toilet sitting on a toilet this morning, eating an awesome piece of marmalade on toast, when...What? Oh, you think there's something wrong with eating on the toilet? Did that gross you out? Then why do people suggest breastfeeding mothers feed their babies in the toilet? You don't eat on the toilet so why should a baby eat in one? If you support parents and babies rights, I DARE you to put this as your status. In support of all breastfeeding moms everywhere! #NormalizeBreastfeeding (Copy & paste. Do not share)

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smile. never listened to comments like that. it just shows what type of person they are thinking of public breastfeeding as immoral. You go momma! I go around the Metro breastfeeding my baby without any cover. The more people see that it will become more normal. Cheer up momma, you're doing great!

I stare at them and just continue breastfeeding my baby. There are even times when my 3-year old would breastfeed in public without cover because he's not comfortable. I just shrug off any reactions or comments from the people around.