Body Hormone
Hi..i have a question pregnant with baby boy in my 32 weeks now. Does baby boy makes our hormone change to be darker skin as in like armpit area or our pubic area....pls advice. my 1st daughter my skin is clean..but with baby boy now my skin becomes dark in certain area.

Yes. some pregnancy hormones like that, my aunt pregnant and have darker skin tone on her neck only. It depends, every pregnancy is different. When I was pregnant, my skin was very very pale.
I was wondering too why my armpits have darkened! Even google for remedies to lighten the armpits! I'm currently going 32 weeks as well and having a baby boy :)
same here i am 35 weeks and my some body parts also darken the skin
Its a condition u get from the pregnancy. Especially if you are having a baby boy. But dont worry your skin will go back to normal after u give birth.
I have it everywhere too (armpits, stomach and public area, a little on my neck) and still they are not going away even tho my boy is already 1mo
Don't think its due to baby gender, just hormones but I know (after having 2 boys) my hair falls alot...
Its normal. Your skin will clear off after you give birth. Use baby oil or mild soap to scrub off.
Hi, It is because of change in the hormones during pregnancy. It will be normal in due course of time
Yes.. For me.. My arm and legs have black patches. But after birth it lighten
Yes. I did when I had my boy (1st pregnancy) but not my daughter (2nd pregnancy).
Surprisingly i had the same problem! But it went away after i gave birth about a week.
Thanks :)
Mommy of 3