Where can I go to see and understand more on baby items before buying?
I have no idea what items are needed and how they work etc. Need help.

Hi Mummy. Firstly congratulations. You can check out YouTube and search bby must haves, regret purchases and etc. My advice will be don't purchase newborn diapers too much as infant outgrow them quickly. Mine outgrow within the 3rd week. As bby clothing try to get lesser 0-3months and more 6-9months. Shops : Shopee , mummysmarket,baby kingdom, kiddy palace, mothercare. The promoter will be happy to help you out. if you're on a budget like me eventho I could just splurge. I would window shop to the above stores and find cheaper alternative for my bby. most important things u might need diaper rash cream changing mat nursing cover breast pump nipple cream I hope it helps.
Read moreI used to just view around online and looked at the items mindlessly. cause there are too many stuffs and it was really confusing to which I wonder what is needed, what is necessary and etc. Until I started going to like mothercare, kiddy palace and there are many experience promoters, so I threw alot of questions to them like "what is this for?", "what it does?" is it a necessity? and more... that's when I really understood what are those items about and based on my own interest what I find important and what's not. Most of the time, they will also share with you their experiences and I think I learnt alot by talking and asking.
Read moreI went baby kingdom and the staff passed me a checklist. Told me alot of stuff as well. Can go mummy market as well.
mummy’s market at raffles city to explore first