normal delivery

I have heard normal delivery is the better way than c section for baby and mother both. I would like to choose it. But I am scared of labour pain. Please encourage me. Is it really painful?

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It varies from person to person and your threshold of pain. But honestly, when u know you are gg to be a mother, all of a sudden, things change and what you thot you are afraid of, you suddenly can overcome or even be surprised at what you can take. I for one, am pain averse. Lol! I sprained my ankle while I was pregnant and I couldn’t even take the rub with ointment. I was like screaming in pain. Then my hubby remarked, “Alamak! How u gg to deliver naturally like that? Little bit also pain, how to tahan labour pain? Maybe epidural also not enuf.” But guess what, I delivered 3 kids all WITHOUT epidural. Don’t scare yourself unnecessarily. 💪🏼 All the best! 😁

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