Nautral or C Section?
Hi I am first time mum here. I am scared to think about birth because of the extreme pain during and after birth which I heard😨 Is natural birth or C Sec more painful? What about recovery? Which is more painful? Hope to hear how you all cope with it😄 By the way, I forgot to mention that I cannot take epidural due to slipped disc.

Different kind of pain. Different pain tolerance for everyone. Also, depends on how your labour goes or is your pregnancy safe to go for a normal delivery. Vaginal delivery may make you tear down there (some until the anus) and the contraction pain is extreme you feel as if you're dying but once your baby is out, you'll feel no more pain & relieve and the recovery wise is very much faster. You can always opt for epidural if you can't cope with the pain. You may or may not need episiotomy (stitches down there) and this can take up to 2 weeks to heal. Need extra care. Can't sit anyhow cos you'll feel pain. Peeing and pooing can also be a problem to some. Can't walk for 6 hrs after delivery and you'll be ask to walk after that. You may feel light headed because, loss of blood. Incisions will be made to your abdomen and your uterus for C-sect so recovery wise is very much longer. You'll feel numb waist down before the surgery starts. You may or may not have discharge on the wound and also have infection. A lot of care. Some also have issues with breastfeeding because of the pain on their tummy. And you'll also bleed down there. Normally 3 nights stay in the hospital. So yes, different kinds of pain.
Read moreSharing my experience here. For my first child, I took epidural but had suspected nerve damage for more than 5 years post delivery. It was terrible! For my 2nd child, I was sure I will go natural hence I searched for ways to manage labor pains. I found Hypnobirthing and that was crazy effective! I applied what I learnt and there was really minimal pain! Just feeling of being squeezed. I was in a state of deep relaxation and the nurses even said I was sleeping. Post delivery recovery was amazing and I could walk to toilet myself few hours after birth, my husband was so shocked. Labor is manageable! I really urge more women to check out and apply Hypnobirthing techniques. Pls do! This is sooo good yet not many people know about it. You just have to attend a course on Hypnobirthing. There are a few practitioners offering this course. All the best Mummy! Go for the course :)
Read moreCan't exactly compare the pain as it's different kind of pain for each. I didn't go through labour pain as I had elective csect at 39th wk due to baby's big size, didn't want to risk baby's shoulder dislocation if via natural. For c-sect the first 2 days probably wld be the most painful but can just pop painkillers. May be hard to walk properly for the first week. For the stitches I think it depends on how pro your gynae is. For mine I didn't feel any pain and my stitches are hardly visible at 1mo PP. Honestly for me giving birth was wayyy easier than the 4th trimester (postpartum) due to all the changes to ur lifestyle, sleep, breastfeeding, hormonal, emotional etc. I wish ppl had told me more abt how to go through the postnatal period rather than the childbirth itself😅
Read moreOpted for elective c sect in March after much consideration. Didn’t wanna try natural and end up with emergency c sect, cos means will have 2 wounds. I was able to walk on the second day until the nurse thought I had natural delivery. Gas will be trapped in stomach though and it caused quite a lot of pain, so just gotta keep farting haha! Think it depends on pain tolerance level. Both natural and sect will have pain, just a matter of before or after baby is out. For breastfeeding, I’m not oversupply but just nice, still providing breast milk for bb till now. Don’t think the methods affect the supply. If choose c sect, may have to bear with people’s discrimination, esp old folks. Hope this helps!
Read moreMy pain tolerance sucks so when they lowered the epidural for me to push it was so painful! But the recovery was actually ok. I didn’t take any painkillers at all and did not use the pin relief (like the ice pack pad which hurt me more than it soothed😅). But after the first week of confinement i was almost back to normal. By the 2nd week i didn’t have anymore pain. I hear that the healing for csect is longer and more tedious to care for. But sometimes there’s no choice.
Read moreLet me shed some light. I gave birth last year April and chose natural. Sadly to say the labour pain was too much for me and I ended up with emergency c section. I have quite a high pain tolerance but I gave up. FYI, the doctor lowered my epidural dosage so that I can feel the contraction and what makes it worse was the nurse kept digging my vagina. I am still very much tramuatised by the digging that I opt for c section for my 2nd pregnancy.
Read moreTo be honest natural give birth are the best choices cause i just gave birth this year january and i had a epidural on and the doctor/nurse will lowered my epidural so that i can feel the contractions and to be very honest be it c section or natural birth both will be painful
agreed that the pain is different 😆 I didn't take painkiller on 2nd days onwards, the pain is bearable recovery also very fast, able to move around on 2nd days onwards I choose c sec because I don't like the waiting game 😅
Read morei chose cs both times
Mama bear of 2 superhero little heart throb