Cesarean experience
Hi mommies! i'm going to have a c-section for the first time tomorrow. for my first and second child, i had normal delivery. but the 3rd one, i have to go through c-sect because baby is breech. can share with me the recovery process and how long does it take? is it really painful after the op and such? please share with me your experiences. 😔

My sister had 2 C sections for her 3rd and 4th. Recovery process and pain is normal. But youve to be careful with the stitches to avoid from getting wet or opening. When you cough or sneeze it can be very painful. Highly suggest for atleast after a week (if you can, use like a velcro waist wrap to keep posture straight and not you hunching) Otherwise it can be painful. If tolerance level is high try to do walking and not just seating down. Healing takes long but only if you really take proper care of yourself. Proper confinement with drinking herbs, massage is highly advice. Always use socks to keep ur feet warm. And cushion/pillow as a support when resting. Hope this helps.
Read moreHi mummy, I’m in the same situation as you. First 2 came out naturally, third one breech position. C sect next week. I’ve also been worried about the recovery process as I’m rly scared to go under the knife. Know that you’re not alone! Eat well and rest well after delivery. All the best mummy! 😃
aww thank you! my csect is scheduled tomorrow and i'm so nervous. for the aftermath of csect especially 😭😭 thanks, mummy! all the best to you too! ❤️