12 Replies

I did to my direct boss and my direct junior as my workload is always heavy. hence I need some help and understanding from their side if I can't perform as per usual. this actually helps as I need to go to clinic quite a lot of times due to discomfort in the first trimester.

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Due to the nature of my work as a researcher, I informed my boss and one of my colleagues when I was 5 weeks pregnant. It is good to inform boss early as he will understand when you take leave or mc. Colleagues will also take cautious when doing any dangerous work or stuffs.

Super Mum

I informed my boss at the very early stage as I had to take off every now and then for checks, since my pregnancy at the beginning was rocky. Figured it was best to just be upfront instead of having to create reason after reason.

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on my first pregnancy, I only tell my boss and colleagues after 3 months, on my 2nd was planning to do the same but I have a bleeding at 10weeks, so no choice have to tell them bcos I need to apply for hospitalization leave

On my previous pregnancy I told my boss the news really early as soon as 8 weeks. Apparently, she did nothing to get prepared throughout my pregnancy and thru my ML . I think it really depends on ur situation.

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I told my boss around 6 weeks. I was having really really bad morning sickness and sometimes couldn’t function the whole day. If you’re experiencing severe symptoms it’s always best to inform early.

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I have always appreciated it when my colleagues informed me early in their pregnancy so I can plan earlier and be understanding during their first trimester

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i informed my colleague n boss as soon as i knew i was pregnant cause i had to take lots of mc for prenatal check ups the rest just domt inform first

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told my boss at like 5.5 weeks, cos i was anticipating i would be ill often or need to take mc for gynae visits

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Informed only after the first trimester has passed safely. :)

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