Fetal Care Centre: NUH

Hi all, I have an appointment at NUH FCC (Fetal Care Centre) next week. My last appointment Dr mentioned they will conduct detailed scan. May I know what is detailed scan consist of? And is my husband allowed to observe during the scan? Thank you.

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Hi there Mummy. I went for detailed scan earlier than 13 weeks. It was at 8 weeks as they want to ensure my baby is alright since I had miscarriaged last year. They did the transvaginal since the abdominal wasn't clear. They just want to ensure baby is growing alright. They told me next is at 20 weeks but gynae at Clinic G requested for me to get scan at FCC on my 12 weeks. It was just the abdominal scan since can see. Actually I feel a sense of relief everytime I am able to see how my baby is doing. I'm at my 13 weeks too now so next is 20 weeks scan. Next appt is 16 weeks but no scan. Just take it as they just want to ensure your baby is doing alright. (:

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4y trước

Ohyes husband is definitely allowed. And to add on, it has been 6 years since I had my 1st born so when I saw my baby moving at 12 weeks, my heart just fluttered. ♥️♥️