How do you juggle a 1y4m toddler and newborn alone?

I have an active and clingy 1 year 4 months boy toddler and a 2 week old newborn girl and will be managing them alone without a helper when my husband finishes his paternity leave. And I’m recovering from C section surgery. How do you mummies manage? Any practical advice and tips to share?

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Been there. I had a vaginal birth, no helper but both my mum and in-laws came over my place a bit for a few days to help out with bathing NB and passing over confinement meals for me. My husband took a mth leave to help around the house while I care for the baby and toddler. It was tough w/o any help after that. I even went through post partum blues and my poor toddler had to bear all the scoldings. It was a lot on my plate to handle at that time until my husband notices my changes and help out as much as he can before going to work (he works 12 hrs shift) and during his off days. Sometimes I will sleep over at my parents when husband is on night shift. Having an NB & a toddler is not easy. Furthermore my toddler was the very clingy type and cries alot and also likes to follow me wherever I go even into the toilet so yes it was a tough period for me that time. My advice is seek help from your family, mum or in-laws until you think you can care for both your child yourself. Both your physical & mental health are very important so don't be shy to seek help from close ones when needed.

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3y trước

Oh dear. I’m bracing myself for the tough period. My mom comes over often to help out even when my husband is around, but looks like I need her to come over to help me every day. Thing is I try not to rely on her so much as she’s driving with Grab, usually at night to early morning, to earn a living so I know she herself can be very tired too. Furthermore, my newborn can’t latch properly without my nipples hurting badly so I pump to feed her. I also supplement with formula milk. I’d say that the ratio of breastmilk to formula milk consumed by my baby right now is 50:50 as I get to pump every 2-4 hourly with my husband around. Once his paternity leave is over, I may not have time to pump so I’m mentally prepared to feed my baby with 100% formula milk as I know my supply will drop if I don’t pump. Right now with sort of regular pumping, my output is 40-60ml.