Yellow Discharge At Week 15

I had a watery yellow discharge after i stood up, when i woke up to go to pee (not urgent) at abt 8am. I woke up at 530am and peed too. The discharge does not have foul smell and i do not any itchyness or burning sensation so i don't think it is vag infection. The yellow part is the mucus. The watery part is clear to slight yellowish. I'm afraid it could be leaking amniotic sac. But i do not have pain, just stomach discomfort. Maybe alil pain. I tried to call KKH O&G but no ans. Should i be worried?

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Hey I'm having yellowish discharge too. 16 weeks and 6 days now. Still having it almost daily. Checked with my gynae before but she said as long as its not red blood. No foul smell nor itchiness too. Do let me know your findings too yea!

5y trước

Oh. I didnt hide my name. Haha it's ok.

Hey there have you gone for your checks yet? Has it stopped for you? I am still having yellow discharge.