Birth journey

I had some blood mucus spotting exactly at 40weeks. Went for check and was suggested induce as was having Braxton hicks. During induce, no dilation but there were severe contraction pains. Doctor monitored and informed that baby heartbeat is not looking well. Had an emergency csect. And doctor informed that baby has pooped too. There goes my painful birth story. Even though ive been active throughout my pregnancy and was doing all the exercises im disappointed that i couldnt get dilated even 1cm. Now recovering from csect is just hard not able to take care of myself nor mu baby. Im emotionally down and im in pain and feeling so humbled that i need help to walk and go to toilet even. #firsttimemom #birthstory #RespectMyPost #1stymom #caesaraen

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similar happened to me. pregnancy was totally fine. I exercised and had no issues. suddenly baby pooped and I had to have a csec. it's disappointing but at least the baby is healthy! give it time, heal, and accept help. it will get better and then you will be the main carer for the baby forever!

Biggest hug for you. Youre a strong mum and will rise bck stronger for yourself and for your baby 🥰💪🏼 just take your time to heal and gather bck your strength. Youll bloom and have wonderful adventures with your baby soon.

Relatable. Mine also ive walked alot, do squats, eats dates etc still nor dilated at edd, induced and failed and end up ecsect

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Take care and I’m sure u will rise again. Give yourself time to recover. Keep going, strong woman! 💪🏼

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