when to visit gynae
hi. i had a missed miscarriage earlier this year and just found out that i am pregnant 🥹 from my calculation, i should be in my week 4. i know there may be nth to see if i see my gynae too early. however, can mommies and mommies-to-be with a similar past experience advise if it is better go see a gynae earlier or wait till i am week 6 or more. i am really worried because of the previous mc 😢 fyi i am taking folic acid at the moment thank you!

I had a miscarriage last year Oct.. pregnant again few months later now going week 30...from my experience there is nothing that the doc can do to prevent a miscarriage.. therefore this time round I went to see a gynae in week 8 because I am not sure how long do I need to wait to get an appointment at kkh. the first time I went to a private and felt that it is too costly. but since it's week 8 when I go kkh I can't do the first trimester testing and blood test as it is too early.. therefore, it would be better if the first visit I can do a scan and do the first trimester testing as well. because during the first trimester there is really nothing that we can do to prevent except to eat healthier, avoid strenuous workouts and eating folic acid.
Read moreI found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks also. Found out through blood test. Did ultrasound but can't see anything. Only that Dr said my uterine lining is thick. I came back at 9 weeks for another checkup, only then able to see tiny baby with a heartbeat (: prior to my current pregnancy I had MC too, last year. Understand your anxiousness. Don't stress yourself, take care of yourself. If it's meant to be it'll be. Good luck dear (:
Read morethank you! ☺️ did the doctor prescribe u duphaston when you went at week 4?
Unfortunately if mc is gonna happen, it will happen eventually (due to natural reasons) I, myself have 2 mc(s) before, like yourself, I was also paranoid and worried during each early pregnancy but there is nothing much you can do at this early of stage, earliest is 6 weeks for scanning.. Meantime continue taking folic and prenatal supplements and "try" to stay positive. I wish you success this time round *hugs*
Read moreI had a 6weekmiscarriage around last year then got pregnant 2months after . unlike my first pregnancy I delayed for check ups . but with 2nd pregnancy, my fear of miscarriage really makes me feel hopeless like that .. also with my 2nd one I never missed gg for monthly check up 🙂 also they will provide more medication for your pregnancy . (fish oil etc) Hope everything is going well for you 🥰
Read morei'd a mc last yr & m now at 7w. gynae proposed to come in at the 7th week. realised i was only 6w ish & couldnt detect the baby via ultrasound cos it was too small. did another scan via insert n managed to find baby's tiny heartbeat! i can relate to the stress about the previous mc but just try your best to be positive! eat healthy so the little one would be healthy too!
Read moreGood to call your gynae to check. He might prescribe you with meds. My gynae gave me duphaston as I have a history of mc so I took it the minute I tested positive. Not too sure how much it can help but it at least gives me a peace of mind! Going too early to the gynae might not be able to see anything. Usually week 6 is the recommended to at least detect the yolk sac
Read moreI had similar experience and would recommend that you just call up the gynae to make an appointment in about 2 weeks’ time. Though it may be too early to detect heartbeat at 5/6W, at least it puts you at ease to see the yolk sac. You should also let gynae know of your concerns and doc may prescribe you with some support medication e.g duphaston.
Read moreI found out my pregnancy early and visited the gynae before I hit week 4. Can’t see anything on scan despite a positive test. Was given supplements to take together with my folic acid. Returned for a review on week 5. Could see the embryo and yolk sac and have heart beat already. All the best
Read morehi dear, i suggest u visit at week 8 by than they can go the vaginal scan to see baby sack n heartbeat. Sorry to hear abt ur miscarriage. In the mean time continue taking folic acid n make an appt to poly to get refferal to kkh if not it will be under private charges.
I went to gynae at week 5 there was nothing but a sac. Gynae recommended to take folic acid daily and prescribed hormone pills cause I have history of PCOS. If you are worried, best to go to the gynae for assurance.