Miscarriage twice, will you try again ?

I had miscarriage once when I was 7weeks 2 years ago, I had another miscarriage when I was 14weeks recently. Would you try again to conceive ?

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Keep trying, success is for those who don't give up.

3y trước

Have faith, Don't give up! I had miscarriage in June 2017 and ectopic in oct 2017. I rested and healed myself for 32 years and 2019 started trying again to get pregnant. I did more of self-love and self-care, and did not pressure myself to get pregnant. I look after my diet to lose weight too. And 2020, we were given our precious little one. She is turning 2 months old now..😊 Stay positive. Take care of yourself.You will have your baby at the right time.😊