Hi, I just had a miscarriage and I’m back to work. Currently my workload is tooooo overwhelming as I’m handling all type of position you can think of in a company and i wanted to prepare for pregnancy again. My company handling hygiene and my office had those chemical and fragrance smell. I’m not sure it will affect my health or my baby if I’m pregnant as I’m quite stress at work and i have to inhale all type or smell in the office. I cannot confirm those chemical will affect me or not. Even if i ask my boss, I don’t think they will say it’s their chemical issue. I don’t know if I should continue to work here but i need job. I can’t get pregnant if i change job, it don’t look good on me as well. Although i off work on time but sometimes i still have to work at home (during weekend or even after work) otherwise I can’t finish my job.
I just need some opinion 😞