Diaper brand for Newborn
I am going to bring my little angel next month😍. Please help me to choose the best diaper brand for my newborn.
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for small butt for justborn i reccomend Huggies brand justborn cos its small enough for small butt and it does not cause any nappy rash too.
Super Mom
Huggies for sure. So soft on baby’s skin. No leaks and great fit aswell.
Definitely huggies JB size, even my son 3.5kg can fit into it
merries.. prep 2 pkt newborn size and 1 S size in my case.
Merries, supporter for last 2 kids.. no worries of leaks
Merries! Good absorption and consistently dry to touch.
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I’m using mamypoko organic. I love it
Merries. Very soft and won't leak
Huggies nature made newborn
merries or mamypoko airfit!
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