induced labour
i getting induced labour next week and i am so scare. I heard is long and painful process? Anyone going through the same thing?

Mine 1st child was at 41 weeks, with water bag break bit by bit, feel like urinated, still got time to drink coffee.. 🤣 i was not induced, unable to bear the contractions, and got epidural at the last minute where it was 6-7cm dilated. Nurse advise to take before it reach 7cm dilated. After epidural i slept few hours. I was literally spend 16 hours in labour.. during this was FTM, dunno anything. But for my 2nd child, im at 40 weeks, induced labour at 2cm.. I heard 2nd will always be fast. Induced labour, will be very fast, where the doctor will poke ur ‘v’, just to break your water bag. So that is induced. So after induced i bear the contractions with laughing gas. Manage to bear till at the last minute, i feel like pooping. There it goes i gave birth, with in labour spend literally lik 6-7 hours only.. before labour, i do alot of walks and squats during preggy. Its tiring but worth it. So i think kinda helps. Hopes my stories above help and calms u. Cheers, Mother of 2 child normal birth. !🥰 Hugs2.
Read moreIt's different for everyone. I was induced at week 38+ & I am less than 2cm dilated after 24 hrs. They had to break my water bag to speed up my dilation process but it took almost 12 hrs to be fully dilated. It only took me a few pushes to get the baby out. If you are unable to bear the pain, do ask for epidural. For myself, my contraction pain increases each time they check for my dilation, the worst decision is not taking epidural when they break my water bag as my pain level has already reached 7-8.
Read morecn try to walk alot. if tired rest, then walk again. if you have to induce and and still very scared, i suggest you take epidural. i took epidural for my first and secondborn bcz i know my tolerance level for pain is 0. but it's all 7p to you. i induced for my firstborn but not secondborn bcz mine was very painful. but some ppl say not so i dod know. different ppl different. all the very best. try to walk as much as possible.
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I had induced birth for all my 4 kids and managed to give birth naturally without epidural. not that I wanted but because I'm already bleeding and my water bag burst, but my cervical just don't want to dilate for all my 4 kids 😅 so I end up inducing. It actually depends greatly on individual and birth order. all my 4 birth is different. I would say my no 4 is very fast but it still takes me some time to dilate
Read moreI was induced at Week 40 D 3. Whole process from admission to labour took 6 hours. I took laughing gas from the start then epidural. I would say apart from the first hour where contractions kicked in (insertion of the pill and checking of dilation was painless cause the nurses did it gently 😂), It was painless 😄 Especially when I’m high on gas plus the epidural taking effect.
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got induced at 40 3 weeks. an hour after the pill insertion, contractions kicked in. was mild at first and by the 4th hour i already couldnt take it and asked for epidural. BEST DECISION EVER. i slept after the epi & woke up every few hrs by nurse to check dilation. only took me 15 mins to push & baby is out.
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getting induce will be longer.. i had mine for my 1st born. 2nd preg to 5th no no for me. i kept walking till im 3cm denlet it out naturally hehehe all the best mummy dont be scare ya. mid wife will be with u tru out
39wk4days, currently still waiting for dilation after being induced 16hrs ago.. dont really enjoy the induction and checking dilation process, very uncomfortable and painful for me.. bb dont wanna come out 😅
update: in the end i got emergency c sect due to only 1cm after 30hrs of induction and waiting.. every1's experience is different, so dont worry too much 🙂 all the best!
Don’t worry, not painful at all the inserting of the tablet. Just that I feel induced labour normally takes abit longer but still depends on individual. Jiayouuuu! And just relax! It’s all good
I was induced too. It was a short and painless process with epidural. I only felt a pressure down there when I was almost fully dilated. Don’t worry and wishing you a safe delivery!