Induced labour
Anyone has experienced of induced labour before? I just had my 39wks appt - doc said my baby's face is facing upwards & still at a high position. Suggested induced if nothing happens next week, but I refused. Heard its more painful right? ?

yup its extremely painful. i was 40weeks exact and induced as im 2 days away from my edd but im 0cm dilated and baby is big for my size. i only managed to endure good 5hrs without painkillers and i asked to be send to labour ward. i took all painkillers available (laughing gas, thigh injection and epidural) sadly epidural didnt 100% worked on me so the doctor add on another drug. induced at 1+pm Sunday, gave birth at 12+ Monday. it was a hell bumpy ride delivery where 5 doctors had to control and forced me to push. imagine all those hrs of little to no pain, but during your pushing, they off your epidural and you can feel everything :'))))))))))) i even went over their 'rules' of no laughing gas during pushing and shouted 'JUST GIVE ME THE LAUGHING GAS LA. ITS EFFING PAINFUL' and yeah i so paiseh till today remembering that day :') but all in all, consider what your doctor suggested as after all, its abt the baby's life. we feel pain but we can slowly recover. baby's life is precious, mummy. cant wait to long as it can cause complications. other than that, you can walk alot, yoga and stuff. :) jiayou mummy 💪🏼❤️
Read moreActually it’s not more painful. They insert a little tablet into the vagina (just like how your doctor does a regular vaginal examination), then they wait for the cervix to dilate. The rest of the progress is the same as a spontaneous labour. Some people take longer, some a shorter time. Labour itself is painful regardless, sadly. Lol. Once you’re in active labour with regular contractions, you can always ask for epidural or other forms of pain relief.
Read moreI had to be induced at 40 weeks 3 days. Doc wanted to induce before due date but I wanted to see if I can do it naturally. As it's my first child, I can't compare the pain to natural contraction but it hurt regardless. Jiayou mummy! I wish I was induced earlier so I can see my baby, doctor knows best!
Read moreI wonder if i’ll be the same as you. Currently at 39 weeks and seeing doc on Mon morn (she’s away this whole week) but no signs of labor yet. I guess i’ll listen to gynae’s suggestion even though I really want a natural birth
The pain is like your have no time to rest and the next one come... Too intense and too tiring.. Too painful.. Sharp pain you can't walk and your whole face like in spasm.. Hahah@ha
Go for a pre natal yoga class and inform your instructor abt this. She can guide you on some poses which will naturally help the baby turn
Yup, it's painful and intense. But you have the option of taking pain relief such as epidural.
for my first preg, doc recommend me to induce at 38w5days. the contraction last for so long
Give it till 40 weeks. My babygirl turned last minute too 🤗
I was induced but the labour process was ok with epidural