I just found out im pregnant its 5 weeks we are expats here. Just want to find out what are the test /bloodtest(prenatal check up) to be done?

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Monthly check up will consist of weight and blood pressure measurement and urine test. After 3 months, there will be blood test to screen for genetical abnormalities like Down syndrome etc. Towards the 3rd trimester, the gynae will ask to take blood test to screen for gestational diabetes. Nearing the final month of pregnancy, it will be weekly checkups.

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Hi congratulations 💕💕💕 Normally have to book for appointment with your Gynaecologist if you know one here & the doctor will advise you what will be the next step. The only bloodtest i did during pregnancy was the oscar test. Other than that, no blood test needed. monthly checkup scanning will be done.

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Congratulations, you can sign up package with gynae and they will arrange all needed test.