Very upset with husband

I am extremely upset with my husband. We do not stay tgt as our hs has not arrived. Currently 22 weeks pregnant. Today when I stayed over at his hs, we were quarreling over how he has not taken the initiative to find out about what to get for baby, etc. and he said “treat you so well already, what do I have to gain?”. What did he have to gain?!?! I gave up my career for a year to properly care for my pregnancy. I dont take a single cent from him. I suffer morning sickness and pains without complaining to him to give him a baby. I sacrificed so much. And this is what he said?! I am so so disappointed and upset. I do not even want to talk to him right now. To be honest, divorce is on my mind.

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Firstly, hugs to you ❤️❤️❤️ I was like you too last year. I went thru pregnancy alone while my husband cheated on me and spent all his money feeding someone else. Honestly I was disappointed. Up till today there’s not a day that goes by that I’m able to forgive him. All my cravings all the baby items I’ve paid for them myself. I kept receipts because if divorce happens, I can claim. Baby is 18 months old now and we’ve just lived life as it is since he refuses to let go of me for whatever reason he has. I choose to not be bothered. I earn my money I can afford myself I can afford my child. At the end of the day, he loses a child that could give him all the love that he probably is looking for from another girl. Truly great men are hard to come by. I find talking to my mom about it lessens the burden. In a way, I’m lucky my mom is supportive of every step I make. My husband wasn’t there my entire pregnancy. He wasn’t there when baby was born, during post partum and till today. I’m living life like a single mother except living with a husband who’s like a housemate. It’s like waiting for my death to happen living everyday but my baby keeps me sane so I’m sure you can find some good in it! Don’t depend on husbands too much! It’ll just make us crazy.

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