Very upset with husband

I am extremely upset with my husband. We do not stay tgt as our hs has not arrived. Currently 22 weeks pregnant. Today when I stayed over at his hs, we were quarreling over how he has not taken the initiative to find out about what to get for baby, etc. and he said “treat you so well already, what do I have to gain?”. What did he have to gain?!?! I gave up my career for a year to properly care for my pregnancy. I dont take a single cent from him. I suffer morning sickness and pains without complaining to him to give him a baby. I sacrificed so much. And this is what he said?! I am so so disappointed and upset. I do not even want to talk to him right now. To be honest, divorce is on my mind.

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Its normal... i also feel like that. but i realised we are very sensative and like emotional this period. and to guys they feel they have done alot already ... and honestly they are clueless abt alot of things esp if you dont stay together. my husbnd and i also.. so he doesnt see my sleepless nights and my body aches etc. sometimes i feel like i can do this alone- whats the point of a husband. i believe also cause they dont like register that their a father soon... for women we go thru the change etc. and the body automatically prepares u for it. the sudden sense of responsibility. For guys i feel they dont register it until very much later. or even when the baby is out. its very normal feeling- so i tell him if u dont hv initiative.. then u just pay money or i give him a list of items to buy or prepare. delegate. and i hire nanny etc to help or spend money to go for class. like kena forced to learn instead of me nagging at him or expecting him to know. just dont expect too much or compare to those tik tok video of all the very sweet or how guys should behave when wife preg. Learn to see the small things and appreciate. just know that all the emotions and hormones are also playing a part. just have a talk with him and tell him how u feel. and what he can do to make u feel better.

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11mo trước

yeah I just ask the husband to pay and pay and make him to all the housework and buying of groceries and stuff for me. men are not sensitive so must order them to do things so they see how we suffer lol 😆