Very upset with husband

I am extremely upset with my husband. We do not stay tgt as our hs has not arrived. Currently 22 weeks pregnant. Today when I stayed over at his hs, we were quarreling over how he has not taken the initiative to find out about what to get for baby, etc. and he said “treat you so well already, what do I have to gain?”. What did he have to gain?!?! I gave up my career for a year to properly care for my pregnancy. I dont take a single cent from him. I suffer morning sickness and pains without complaining to him to give him a baby. I sacrificed so much. And this is what he said?! I am so so disappointed and upset. I do not even want to talk to him right now. To be honest, divorce is on my mind.

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Did you discuss with him about baby expenses and prenatal medical expenses? Is it all on you to take care of baby? If yes then u better off without him. But that’s coming from me, a single divorced mum. So don’t take my word for it. You should also think about your baby, how baby would grow up with or without father in picture. Pregnancy is a stressful period, especially when your hormones are all over the place. So take some time to cool off then revisit the issue and talk to him again.

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