Breastmilk Feeding
I am exclusive pump mummy.. At night need to warm up the milk for nightfeeding... How mummies resolve the issue of waiting for milk to heat up and baby is crying wailing for milk? I tried preparing and heat up a feed after every feed. But tonight my girl decided to sleep for 6 + hours.. So the milk was on warmer for 6 hours... Safe to drink? Now I worry she will vomit n LS....

I'm EP mum too. Day time I will take her milk out from fridge around 3h after each feed as she has fallen into routine of every 3-4h feeding. Night time i feed formula as she usually wakes up once for milk in middle of night anytime from 3-5am. Once baby routine established will be much easier. Perhaps you can consider taking milk out from fridge and leaving it out at room temperature so that it can be warmed up faster later on when baby starting to wake up. Milk at room temperature (25 deg) can last 4h and once heat up should be consumed with 1h and this goes for unfinished milk too. If after 4h, baby never wake up at least u can put back into fridge. 6h is definitely way too long, and cannot be consumed anymore. Meantime while waiting for milk to heat up, u can try giving pacifier and carry.
Read moreI’m an EP mum too. In the day I feed my baby every 4 hours. At night, I set my alarm for 5 hours. I’ll put the milk in warmer, wake him, put pacifier in his mouth and change diaper. When done, the milk shd be about ready. If he wakes earlier, just need to move faster but put pacifier in his mouth first.
Read moreI was an EP. Like you, i faced the same prob of baby wailing for the ebm to be heated up. So at night, i gave formula instead. For him its abt 2 to 3 feedings, and now down to only 2 or even 1 only. Didnt want baby to cry so much in the middle of the night, plus foe everybodys sanity too.
I wait for him to cry, and set the temperature to highest. Comfort him while waiting. About 5mins is ready. Or when I wake up to pump I will prepare a milk for him. When I pump finish,if he haven wake up. I will change to a new bottle of milk
I wont suggest high temperature to warm the milk too as all the nutrients will be destroyed which is a waste since you had painstaking pumped. I latch my baby when she crys for milk at night. Allowed me to rest more.
Hi mummy I suggest you pump during the day and latch at night. What I did was pump during the day and dream latch at night. Normally my last pump will be at 11pm.
I wouldn’t feed the 6 hour heated milk. A bit too risky. I turn my warmer’s settings to a higher temperature to warm it up faster.
I usually won’t risk it. I know bm is precious. But medical bills are expensive too. I’ll just use it as milk bathe
6 hours plus in warmer will probably turn sour. Better not to give.
6h plus.. I don't think safe to drink alr..