How do you all heat up chilled breast milk? Currently, I'm using warm water to slowly heat it up, but my milk still turns sour. Because of this, my LO refuses to drink the milk. I've also tried bottle warmers to warm up the milk, but the milk still turns sour. Please help!

How long u heat up for??? Normally few mins will do as bm melts very fast & easily. Not unless ur bm is 'spoilt' while storing?? How you store your bm?? Bottle warmers also few mins..abt 5-7mins or so?? Impossible to turn sour within 10-15mins, Tat's for sure..
Hi mommy..Hold the refrigerated milk under warm running water for several minutes.You can also immerse the storage container in a pot of previously heated water but do not heat refrigerated breast milk directly on the stove.
Do u keep your milk in the fridge for how many days, usually few days let baby feed
How long do you keep the milk in the fridge for before using it for feed?
Could it be something you consumed or maybe high lipase?
I'm using bottle warmer .. no Problem at all
Pigeon bottle warmer works well for me
I use bottle warmer too
i used bottle warmer
I used bottle warmer