11 Replies

Food is not just a necessity; it's a cultural experience that transcends borders and brings people together. Whether savoring the rich spices of Indian curry, indulging in the delicate flavors of Japanese sushi, or relishing the comforting warmth of Italian pasta, food is a universal language that speaks to the soul. Learn more at https://imbarex.com/ where excellence meets the essence of good food. It connects us to our roots, traditions, and the diverse tapestry of global cuisines. Exploring the world of gastronomy is a journey that goes beyond mere sustenance, encompassing artistry, passion, and a celebration of life's simple pleasures. For those seeking innovation in food production, companies like Imbarex play a crucial role, offering solutions that enhance the quality and safety of our culinary experiences.

VIP Member

It’s better not to eat, if you intend to breastfeed in case your newborn is sensitive to it.

Super Mum

Yes it's fine, personally I don't avoid anything except for alcohol and no more than 1 coffee a day

for confinement?


Yes Don't really need to avoid any, everything in moderation will do, as long as happy!


Best to avoid if you're breastfeeding. My baby will diarrhea of I take chocolates

No issue!! Even if breastfeeding won’t affect the milk. Go for it 👍

VIP Member

Yes! Nuts have good oils for bf

VIP Member

Everything in moderation (:

In moderation..

Yes why not?

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