Worried mama with LO not eating and drinking

I don't know what else to do. Hopefully by being here could get some tios and advices from mummies out there. My son today his 1st birthday! Since 30th aug, he caught stomach flu from school, he doesn't want to eat his puree, porridge, cereal. Drink formula milk also abit. Never once finish. His weight 7.9 last check on last monday. Today his favourite teether snack also he don't want to eat. I everyday get scolded from husband cause my son not eating when I try to feed him he doesn't want to eat. #advicepls

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Super Mom

Hmmm, have you tried going to the PD with this problem? Does he drink water? Have you tried juices? Breads? Biscuits? I’m thinking one of 2 things: he could be bored of the same things or afraid of the food he threw up. Does he show any interest in the food you eat?

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Thành viên VIP

I will feed some probiotics to improve his gut. And monitor for a few more days/1 week. Slowly the appetite should come back, make sure he have enough minerals.

Thành viên VIP

Did you check the PD what's inside any issues with kids are some time after sick have fear of ratings get sick again it's emotional thing

Hi Mum, I think best would be t0o consult the PD soon for this. They will be able to advise on some options to try to give the baby.

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Try cutting milk and give small bites more meals