6 weeks of pregnancy and no symptoms. Is it normal?

I dont feel any pregnancy symptoms until now. Is it normal? This is my 2nd pregnancy after having misscarrige 3 months ago. Im so worried. Help me to answer mommys! Thankyouu!

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I made it to the second trimester now, I have no symptoms throughout my pregnancy. It is disconcerting that I "don't feel pregnant", but it's reassuring whenever I go for ultrasound and see the baby is still well. Don't worry, there's nothing we can do but appreciate we are getting off lucky and rely on your gynae's advice! 🤗

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hi mummy! yes, it's normal. as long as the baby is growing fine, your'e fine! you might be one of the lucky ones not to get symptoms (so tiring to be nauseated and vomiting all day lol). take care!

Hi! I had a miscarriage 2 month ago which is my first pregnancy. When I'm pregnant that time, I had no symptoms at all. Just consider ourself lucky. Take care mommy. 😀

Super Mom

Hi there, totally normal to not have “symptoms”. Every one experiences pregnancy slightly different. Some are lucky enough to not have to suffer those symptoms. 😅

4y trước

Hi mommy, thankyou so much for your answer! ♥️🙏🏻

It normal :) when I was pregnant with my first and now second. both have no symptoms at all. so no worry. 😃

I am 6 weeks too and have no symptoms except for backpain.

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yes definitely normal