Mag-o-Overdue na ba ang pagbubuntis ko?
I am currently 36 weeks going to 37 weeks. I heard from my husband friend that seldom women will give birth at 40 weeks.. mostly give birth around 36 weeks to 37 weeks.. After hearing this i am so worried that anytime I will be going to labour. Haiz... so scary feeling that all the unknown pain is coming soon. I have the tightening feeling in between my stomach and chest. When I sit on the chair I am having difficulty breathing..

Hi mummy, Just to share... My 1st delivery was at 35weeks and tbh, I was caught off guard! I was a 1st time mum and practically followed everything by the book. And, according to a hospital list of to-do things, pack hospital bag and pre register admission to be done at 36th week. Imagine my stress packing my hospital bag, doing admission online while experiencing mild contractions at home (it was at midnight and husband was rushing home as he was having his night shift that night). Anyways, I wasn't ready for the delivery and I haven't even prepared myself mentally either. However, physically, my body was ready. And on that night when I was having contractions, I succumbed myself to the unknown. My tolerance for pain is ok so the contractions wasn't as bad as I thought (at midnight) but as I approach an hour later, it started to get intense. By then I already did the online admission (but hospital process yet), packed my bag and hb was home to fetch me to hospital. The contractions are intense depending how tolerant u are. The delivery itself can be stressful but if you calm your nerves and try your absolute best to listen to the instructions given to you (like words of encouragement, when to push, etc...) trust me, everything will be OK... Have faith in yourself. Our body is wired in such a way that we can do this. Take care and have positive feelings ok. hugs.
Read moreHey mummy! When i was pregnant, many told me that first child wont be out fast. mostly overdue and long labour hours. But i proved many wrong. it really depends on individual. I had strong bonding with my girl as I talk to her everyday since she was in my womb. Believe it or not, my edd was supposed to be on 6th July but I requested her to come out either on 23rd or 24th June as it still falls within school holidays. (School reopens early this year on 27th!) i delivered at 38weeks on the very morning, no pre labour symptoms at all, i had 1-2min contractions and delivered 3 hours after i checked in. imagine the night before i am doing heavy housework still, getting her space ready. and i still can walked to mc donalds and do grocery shopping at 2am. dont worry too much! we can never be fully prepared! get more rest if not you will have no time for ample rest! i would describe contractions like being constipated. the pain comes after waterbag burst. but all the pain is worthwhile. i didnt know i have such good pain threshold until i gave birth naturally without pain reliever. go with the flow! good luck mummy!
Read moreHi, I think that u are over thinking the situation and stressing yourself unnecessarily. Firstly, ur husband friend not a Gyne right? How many pple does he know that is like 36-37wks? I can also tell u many for 1st baby is 40wks and maybe even beyond. But does it really matter? Baby is strong enough to survive well if he is born any time after 37 weeks. Ur Gyne will be seeing u quite often these last few weeks and check on u if any dilation etc - seldom people suddenly dilate v fast and have super short short don't worry, not likely u will be caught off guard. Don't stress about the situation because stressing is not good for hr baby and will make ur labor earlier and more difficult. Just be normal and prepare for baby's arrival, pack ur hospital bag, rest more, go eat whatever u want to eat now that u cannot eat during confinement. Enjoy the last few weeks if possible because u will be meeting ur lovely baby soon :) every labor experience is an unknown factor to the woman before she goes into labor and there's no way of telling how will it be even if it's a second pregnancy or third or fourth etc - u get the point. Just know what u prefer - if u going epidural or what ... the rest just let it be. Really no point frightening urself
Read moreHey mummy.. dont you worry! Every mummy has their own birth story. No one’s the same! :) Before I gave birth, I hear my friends giving birth at 37 weeks, 38 weeks. One even at 35 weeks... Got me nervous too as I kept wondering when baby would arrive. Talk to your baby in your tummy, they hear you and would understand. I kept telling my LO to grow well, come when she’s ready and that mummy and daddy are preparing her stuffs. Lo and behold, she stayed in my womb until a day before my EDD and I had a pretty quick delivery considering it’s my 1st child. They will come when they are ready. In the meantime, enjoy the remainder of your preggy days. I miss being pregnant already. Hehe.. Take care and safe delivery!
Read moreI heard many stories before I gave birth to my No 1. Somemore my husband was working overseas so I needed to tell him when to come back. In the end I choose induction one day before my Edd. It is common for first time mommies to go all the way up to 40weeks. It is also good for baby to stay inside full term. Sometimes Gynae ask us to deliver earlier because there is risk of complication already so by 38 weeks Gynae is always ready to ask us to deliver. Take a deep breath! It can be overwhelming for the first time but do know you are going to be in the good hands of medical professionel and you will see your baby soon.
Read morehi mummy, it's not true. hahaha. I delivered my girl 40+5. 😝 and it's because I rushed her out, if not I think she'll stay inside so comfortably till 41 weeks. 😂 I have no dilation, nothing. do not be worry! rest as much as you can. we learn how to be mummies along the way, we're not born with the talent. hahaha. joking. but really, we'll all learn along the way. every baby is different! like mine is the total opp of my sil son, and it puzzled my mil. LOL. all the best! stay happy!!! (:
Read moreDon't be too worried. While it is common to deliver earlier from 37 weeks onwards, there are also mums who deliver after 40 weeks. It really depends on individual. Also, with epidural, the labour pain is actually bearable unless you are not planning on taking that? I am also 36 weeks 4 days now and I have difficulty breathing too at times if my sitting position is not ideal. Just try to adjust to a comfortable posture. :) Hope you have a smooth delivery!
Read moreDon't be worried instead be prepared. When you reach week37, your baby is considered full term, so it is true you can deliver anytime. I delivered my no1 at w39, no2 and no3 at w38. Have you packed your hospital bag yet? If you haven't do so, now is a good time. You can also download contraction calculator app to monitor your contractions. Again, don't worry... Our maternal instinct will kick in when the baby comes :)
Read moreHello mummy, that really depends on mummies and babies too. Some will give birth earlier and some later. 1st one usually comes late. I had my first one out via c-section when she was 39 weeks. Now my second one is 39 weeks 2 days, he still comfortably stay inside. No contractions or dilations for both of them even when reaching 39 weeks. Just hang in there and let the baby decide when to come out 🙂
Read moreI'm also in the same shoes. I'm also at 36+ weeks pregnant and feel anxiety about labour. I feel the fear everynow and then whenever my back lower back tends to ache and feel painful like as if my labour will start and it last a few seconds then it's gone. I hear all sort of maternity cases as I'm working in a maternity ward, that doubles my fear of the complications during labour and delivery.
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Mummy of a cheery boy