6 Replies

Though, there is nothing unsafe about using hair colour during pregnancy, but if you still want to go ahead and also be doubly safe, you can colour your hair but not from the roots. One of my friends coloured her hair when she was 5 months pregnant. She could have waited and done it after delivery also, but because of all those changes that were happening to her body, and mood-swings, she wanted to pep herself up and thought of colouring her hair. She went ahead with it and there was no problem at all. She read many articles where it was written that to colour hair is completely safe, even then she did not want to take any chances and coloured her hair but not starting from the roots. She left an inch of margin from the roots and got colour streaks. They looked awesome. She was also happy and there were no doubts about it being unsafe. So, you can also opt to go for colouring leaving a margin so that it doesn't start from your scalp. http://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/hair-dye http://americanpregnancy.org/is-it-safe/hair-treatments-during-pregnancy/

as almost everyone else said, there is no medical proof that using a hair colour while you are pregnant will directly affect your unborn baby, but i would still say that it is best if you wait till you are done with breastfeeding. hair colours definitely contain some chemicals that come in contact with your skin, and even if a tiny bit of this enters your blood stream, why to take the risk? as this is not an urgent treatment or procedure, you can wait for a few more months, at least that is what i feel :) here are a few links that say that while there is no direct proof of harm, there may actually be some reason to be wary http://www.webmd.com/baby/features/pregnancy-hair-care#1 http://www.today.com/style/mom-be-tress-stress-here-s-truth-about-hair-dye-t6246

Yes, you can colour your hair even if you are pregnant. Just make sure that you use best quality product and if possible use herbal ones. I, myself coloured my hair during pregnancy. There are so many hormonal changes, and I remember I coloured my hair because I started feeling quite low when I didn't fit in any of clothes and in my days, there was no shopping for clothes for mums-to-be or I didn't know much about it. So, to lift my spirits I got my hair coloured. I did streaks and as you know they do not colour from roots so your skin is not involved anywhere. Only while washing the colour off that it dripped down touching my skin. So, I think you can go ahead.

a lot of my friends did colour their hair when they were pregnant, but i was never really very convinced myself, so i waited till i had my baby and finished breastfeeding and then went ahead and coloured my hair. it is true that there is yet no evidence that the hair colour will seep in through your scalp and enter the blood and reach your baby. however, the various products used and the chemicals that you breathe in can still have some percentage of negative effect. i would say that if possible, do wait it out and once you are done breastfeeding, you can get back to all the styles you want, without an yworry at all :)

like the other moms said there may not be enough evidence, it is always best to take precautions and avoid any harm as much as possible. whatever you use, it will still have some chemicals in it and may enter the blood stream. do read these articles that could give you more info on teh same http://www.webmd.com/baby/features/pregnancy-hair-care#1 http://www.today.com/style/mom-be-tress-stress-here-s-truth-about-hair-dye-t6246

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