I am on a very tight budget and am sourcing a lot pre-loved products for my baby. Just wanted to know if there are any products that should not be bought pre-loved...what are the products that must always be bought new?

Do up a baby wishlist if you're having a babyshower. Most friends and family members are pretty much clueless about what to get for you and the baby so the list will definitely help cross some items off your to-buy list. Avoid buying clothes, shoes, swaddles, mittens/socks, anything that baby will outgrow pretty fast. Ask around your relatives who have younger kids if they have any babycots/car seats to pass it on to you. I personally would rather get a new stroller for hygiene purposes. There are many under $500 strollers that you might want to consider. Babyfairs are filled with cheaper strollers that you can use from newborn to 15/20kg. Cheat note: If you can, bring a 2nd hand stroller that your relative doesn't want anymore to the babyfair. Some vendors do take trade ins!
Read moreA list of baby products which should be purchased new include: - Baby cot (Safe to buy used only if it complies with safety standards i.e. no drop down sides, closely spaced rails etc) - Cot mattress - Car seat - Bottles & teats - Shoes Maybe: - Pram A lot of people use hand me down prams. I wanted to do the same as well, but my father advised that it was better to get a new stroller because it's not easy to thoroughly wash and clean the stroller seat and the previous user might have had poonamis in it.
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