I am in an abusive relationship, but my husband is not letting me file for a divorce. Can anyone help?

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If you are facing family violence, you have several options for help that may depend on the nature of the emergency and the level of violence: - Calling for help (Police at 999, AWARE Helpline 1800 774 5935) -Getting medical attention -Reporting to the Police -Seeking counselling -Seeking shelter in a crisis shelter -Seeking legal protection http://www.aware.org.sg/what-can-i-do-if-i-am-facing-family-violence/ The most common form of a Protection Order is the Personal Protection Order (PPO). Under the PPO, the court may make one or both of the following orders: -The offender cannot use family violence against the family member; -The offender cannot incite or assist anyone to commit family violence against the family member http://www.aware.org.sg/getting-a-personal-protection-order/

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First, do pack up your essential documents and stay with someone you trust. It is important that you get away from the abuse. Next, contact these centres to see if they can provide help. Project StART by Care Corner Family Service Centre (Queenstown) 6476 1482 TRANS SAFE Centre 6449 9088 http://www.todayonline.com/singapore/more-help-those-facing-domestic-violence

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