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Christmas is the day when everyone wants to purchase some gifts and it is sometimes very difficult to purchase a gift. The reason is that lots of things running in the mind of people. You give some easy tips when buying the gift.
No. Baby is protected with so many layers. How can something as superficial as a scratch hurt the baby? 😅. Unless you get stabbed then it’s another issue hehe
Hi dear, don’t worry... baby should be alright:) your placenta is also well protected. Hope you recover well from the scratch though. Take care!
Gynae have to cut 7 layers of the mother in order to get baby out during c section, what makes you think a scratch would hurt your baby 🤨
Don’t worry , baby is under so many layers , so nothing will happen
Is the cut very deep? If not it should be only a surface wound
Should be fine. The babies are well-protected inside.
should not... take care mommy 💕
nope, don't worry