Emotional day ;(

Hi, I am abt 10 to 11 week. At my 1st apt is abt 9weeks, they just see GS and YS, no heartbeat & fetal pole. They ask me to visit again 2 week later which is next mon(2dec). However, since this monday i have abit of spotting. At 1st I think maybe it is normal, until today the spotting more than pass few days plus abit of blood clot and this make me worry. So i went to the nearest gynae clinic. They did the scan and same. No heartbeat & fetal pole. The min the dr said No HB & FP i have a bad feeling. The dr said i may have unhealhty pregnancy and give me 2 options. Either D&C or naturally misscarriage. I bust out during that time i heard that. But my husband told me to go KKH apt on next monday to seek for second opinion before we decide. I was so afraid and i don know what shld i do next as this was my 1st time. I feel so emotionally.

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Super Mom

Hi dear... this must be so hard for you... I’m so sorry that you have to go through this 😢 I think that if you want to seek a second opinion, maybe go today instead of next Monday. At least let them do another scan and give you the medical advice. If they have the same opinion as your first doctor, I know it’s hard, but you also need to take care of yourself. If this truly is an unhealthy pregnancy, leaving it alone may not be good for your health... I wish I could give you a big hug right now... please take care, dear, and have your husband and loved ones by your side.

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5y trước

Big hug... hang in there.