Can we visit new borns?
Hi, i am 8weeks pregnant, and chinese beliefs cannot 冲囍。we have a close friend kids to be born in the next 2 weeks, can we visit the baby?
Hi, i am 8weeks pregnant, and chinese beliefs cannot 冲囍。we have a close friend kids to be born in the next 2 weeks, can we visit the baby?
You may also wish to check with your friend to see if she’s comfortable (esp if she’s living w in laws/older gen) and may be more particular about this kind of beliefs. 😊
hello like to ride on this thread. i also have this concern but is this myth only applicable to first trimester?
U already have the thoughts so better don’t go. Your friend will understand.
if you are superstitious then you dont go lo..
Honestly I think it’s perfectly fine
can. don't carry the baby
don't go if u feel uneasy