
I am 10 weeks pregnant and ever since i found out, i have been so far apart from my husband as i hated his smell his touch basically his presence around me makes me nauseous. Is this normal? Husband has been complaining that he didn’t get attention from me but i am not doing this on purpose )= Anyone went/going through the same? When will this end?

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Does your husband uses cologne or lot hair gel? Our smell become very sensitive during pregnancy so that we avoid hazardous chemicals or stuffs. It will end with pregnancy. Explain this to him and work out a way so that both you can still enjoy the pregnancy and maintain the intimacy with each other

Our sense of smell increases when we are pregnant so there may be some scents that we cant stand. I for one found my hubby's scent alot stronger and at times a little strong so just suggest for him to change clothes/take a shower :)