Just Ranting.

Me and my husband on the verge of divorce due to my pil. I have very stubborn in law. Told them no juice for my baby don't listen. Will complain to my hub when I say no. My hub will often tell me they got 2 kids you got 1 only you know what. Always I have to tell him they got kids before don't mean they got experience in taking care! I say no to new food introduce to my baby as she just started eating we must try one by one by they simply don't listen and prepare porridge for my baby with new food mixture. Of cos I will say no. I tried explaining to them and my hub but he just say why ah gong cook for grandchild got wrong is it. We had numerous quarrel over my in law till the extend I move out with my baby and now he blame me for separating him and baby. But he don't see a issue. Continues staying with in law really making me insane. I'm not working my husband don't earn alot too. And I don't know how to salvage this marriage anymore.

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Anyway for baby or toddler i read it's better to offer fruits than juice. Juice is actually unnecessary. Plain water or BM is good enough for fluids intake at their age