me and my hubs did managed our own confinement. not strict, flexible ones. we're living with my BIL and he dont allow visitors in so no choice do ourselves. so basically for my whike 44days of pp, we didnt get any help from anyone, plus everyone in my and his family know that we're the type we dont ask for extra help. they would only call in to ask if everything's ok.
i have experienced taking care of my mum's pp and my hubs is clueless. so even right after discharge, i did everything myself. which includes my food, baby changing and bath, housechores and all. till now 3m pp, im still doing everything alone while my hubs has to work despite covid19. he does help when he's free. but i rather him to rest and work, while i settle things reallll fast. yknow guys always take their time, right?😂
of course its super tiring. its been 3months pp. when was the last time i had my last good night sleep? probably when i was pregnant at 6months 😂 so I haven't been sleeping well almost 6months.on top of that, ive started working back at night shift. but now my 3m babygirl has grown up and her milestone is incredibly fast, everythings worth it. worth all the tiredness, sleepless nights and all.
its okay to manage your own confinement. after all only you and hubs know better. but do seek help when yall need. as much baby is important, your mental health too is important.
take care mummy. all z best ❤️😘