My husband and I are having a difficult time communicating with one another. Most times when a huge argument breaks out there's always the topic of divorce! How can we better communicate with each other when we fight to not let the argument escalate?

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Make a pact not to mention divorce as the "solution" and instead, focus on generating feasible/workable solution to the issue. When the argument becomes heated, take a break and hit the "pause" button. Use the time to cool down and return to the issue at hand. Usually, that cool down period will help greatly. It allows one to not be affected by the anger/frustration from the argument and look at the issue rationally. Communication is really important in maintaining a relationship. Every couple is different. For me, having the "pause" really helps a lot. We have agreed beforehand that anyone can say "pause", and that we will not leave the issue hanging. Any issue/disagreement has to be resolved. Just sharing what worked for us. Hope you find something suitable for you and your husband. Take care!

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Create a list in your wallet about all the things you would miss about him if he got divorced. Every time you are upset pull that list out and study it