How will u react when mil tells u to feed ur 8mth old baby fries? Wad stupidity! Angry max!

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tell your hubby to tell his mom off!!!! my MIL is like this too my bb only 3mth she already telling me once 6mths she want to cook porridge and put SALT. CRAZY

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I will just tell her can't feed him in nicely way or in "no offense" way. Well, you will know what the the best way to talk to her... Jia you mummy!

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Oh dearrrr.. but sometimes cannot blame the old folks. Just have to explain to her nicely and tell her "Dr say cannot" (my fave sentence!)🤣

I once told my mil, if we take gd care of my lo's kidney now, he has a whole life to eat salt.. I guess u can change salt to fries? 😜

I would just stare at hubby. 😂 my mil once wanted to give my daughter the sugared persimmon . I was like, no?!?!?! wakao.

Show her this article: Grandparents being prideful and brash can cause harm to the baby

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I just say politely r u really giving him such ? Mostly my mil never do such as she is very experienced..

Politely says fries may be too oily, stick to him cooked baby food that are natural and steamed

Influencer của TAP

I will not follow her comment and will have clear boundaries on my relationship with her

Fake laugh but give my hubby the death stare, if he hasn't already made a response..

8y trước

😂 agree! Ok! Lol! I told my hubby after tat too. He juz said: Har? Wad an answer.. At least he knows wad kinda mum he has!😂