Leg Muscle Cramp
How to prevent or reduce the cramp especially when you are sleeping. Currently 29 weeks pregnant.
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To reduce the chance of always getting cramp, do lots of stretching, yoga method for pregnant woman. Can always look it up at Youtube.
Lots of exercise throughout pregnancy really helped me to not have any cramps or aches at all. Try it :)
I do stretching daily.. no cramps at all. Been an active person all along, exercise helps alot
Most of my friends told me just wear sock n elevated your leg while sleep
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Wear compression stocking, take in high vitamin d food/fruits.
Super Mom
Do some stretching exercise
Wear socks at night
Thành viên VIP
Wear sock
I sleep with legs slightly bend. So far ok. Only once when I tried to straighten and my leg cramped!!
Drink more milk
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