Painful leg muscle cramps

Im 5 weeks pregnant.. have no symptoms as such.. but last night out of nowhere, when i was sleeping i had a sudden cramp in my leg.. it was so painful that i had tears in my eyes.. i read that cramps are common in the 3rd trimester.. but in 5 weeks.. i hope this is not a regular occurrence #firsttimemom #adviceplease

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I had leg cramps not so much in the 1st trimester, more so in the 2nd. But just last night I had the worst cramps (both legs) ever to the extent that I cried 🫠

Normal! But for me it didn’t get worse. It just comes and goes and i didn’t get it in 3rd tri. Stretch more before sleeping and take the prenatal vitamins :)

12mo trước


Yes very normal but itll get worse in 3rd trimester.

12mo trước

😖😖Thanks for the heads up.. not looking forward to it at all.. any way to prevent it.. i mean by including certain foods in my diet or something

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