19 Replies

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My son is 25 months old, and he says it, but often as a reply! Being a single parent is tough, and I am sure you are raising a wonderful child. :)

VIP Member

Eh my sons only say it at age of 4 . And not frequent ... but anyway that makes it more valuable and precious


Enjoy the moment to the max. Your girl is just showing how much she loves you. That is such a beautiful gift

VIP Member

My boy says on his 3rd birthday.. don’t know y suddenly he got live on me .. 😋.. but it’s nice 😍

enjoy the feeling.. as the kids grow up, the I love you's will come only when they need something 😉

My child said it when she was three YO. Yeah, I agree it's the best sound in the world! :)

Yes everyday, as frequent as you want. My boy is 17. He is ever so sweet.

VIP Member

Awww. So sweet. My LO only says maybe twice a day at 34 months. Haha. Oh well.

VIP Member

The most beautiful three words are those coming from our kids (:

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